I Love Myself


Once or twice a year I go on retreat in the beautiful Sandia Mountains of New Mexico. In this place I feel held by the mountains, the love of other sensitive souls, my teacher, and my own heart. I often leave this place with a deeper connection to my spirit, my creativity, and with a full heart.

We all need a place to reconnect to our souls and heal our hearts.

We are always on a journey inward whether we are conscious of it or not. Our souls are always communicating with us. For those of us who have heard the cries, there are still times when we get derailed, and that's ok. We just need to start listening again.

Every single time I listen I find myself back to the three words that changed my life. They are words many of my students come to me seeking connection to. They are words that, once embodied, are life-changing.

They are words whose truth poured out of me on the way home from the airport after a soul retreat in New Mexico. I glanced out at some beautiful trees, felt my soul ignite, and wrote this:


I love the choices I’ve made.
All the ones that have spilt tears, bellowed laughter, and spouted anger.
They have all lead me to here.


I love my spirit, my soul, and my ego.
I love any and every aspect that makes up this complex being of mine.


I love the way my eyes change colors, the auburn tint the sun beckons from my hair, and the beautiful bones that flirt under the surface of my skin.
Every ounce of my physical form is perfect exactly as it is.
This truth was true when my big heart sprouted in my mother’s womb.
And it will be true when my skin wrinkles with time, when my bones open their pores, and when my body breathes its last breath.
It will always be exactly perfect.


I love the way my laugh falls out of my chest, the way my tears well when I feel someone’s pain, and the way I’m willing to sop up my flaws with love.


I love the way my soul cries and that I have learned to hear it.
I love the way my voice sometimes cracks when I sing, the way my hips and shoulders have decided they need to move to music every day, and the deep satisfaction my soul feels when I honor its wishes.


I love that I loved a dog so deeply I let it throw me off these scales.
I love that I loved a man so completely it felt impossible to heal the wounds of his absence. 
I love that my heart has broken, that I have met darkness, and that I have been blessed with life.


I love that I have walked through a foreign land all alone, that I have made my own fires, and that I have slept under starry skies.
I love that I have looked into the eyes of strangers, given love to lifeless bodies, and felt babies sleeping on my chest.


I love that my Grandfather comes to me in my dreams and that there are people in this world who know there is so much more.
I love that coyotes show up on my doorstep, that trees have begun whispering hellos, and that the stars shift me into a state of awe that leaves fireworks in my chest and lumps in my throat.


I love that I choose to be vulnerable even when it’s hard.
I love the way I keep showing up for myself, the way I know how to sit in silence, and the way I’m learning to let go.
I love the things I have decided are important, the people who always show up for me, and the home I have made my own.


I love that it’s always ok even when it feels like it’s not.
I love becoming a new person every day, a freer person, a lighter person, a more loved person, a wiser person, a more joyful person.
I love changing. 


I love the way I can feel my heart open when I really feel these words.
I love the way my entire life changed when I began to breathe, when my breath opened my heart, when I learned to love myself. 


I love that loving myself is a choice I get to make each moment.
I love that I can let go of control and still be safe, that being exactly where I am is the most exciting place to be, and that I always find my way back to my own love.

Self love is everything. It's the foundation from which we step out into the world to do all the incredible things we strive to do. If you want to learn to love yourself download my free audio course below.


How To Stop The Self-Love Struggle

Free Your Mind of Negative Self-Talk & Finally Feel Good About Your Life 


Breaking The Agreement To Be Alone & Lonely


I Lost Myself & I Don’t Know Where I Went