A container to hold you as you heal your deepest wounds.

SEEN is an opportunity to heal through being witnessed. When we allow rejected parts of ourselves to take up space in the presence of loving community, healing happens. This group gives you the opportunity to experience dormant aspects of yourself come to life, increase your ability to process repressed emotions, and expand your capacity to hold love for yourself and others.

Through SEEN you can experience the power of healing with others and the courage inherent within you to move through your fear and develop a greater capacity to be seen as you are.

Hi, I'm Michelle.

SEEN began as an experiment. After years of holding space through Breathwork groups, one-on-one sessions, and creative offerings, I felt the call to offer something a little different. I wanted to see what would happen within a container with the sole intention of being SEEN.

In 2021, I hosted the first round of SEEN, and the power of coming together to share the fears, feelings, and dreams we have yet to express to others and maybe even to ourselves, was palpable. At the end of 2022, I took a break from hosting these groups because I could feel something a little different wanting to emerge.

SEEN now holds the same flavor with a stronger intention. We are coming together, not as writers or creatives, but as human beings with a longing to express our true selves.

Journeying into my shadow to pull out hidden aspects of myself, release the pain, and integrate the beauty back into my essence has been an incredible journey. For over a decade, I’ve had the honor of supporting others as they heal. I wrote and published a book about the heartbreaking journey that catalyzed a massive transformation in my life, and I’m currently working to finish my second book.

I am always learning and growing, and because I am here to be of service, my spirit is constantly pushing me to share more of myself and offer my wisdom in new ways. I’m honored if you choose to join me on this particular journey.

Family Ties

The Healing Theme

Over 4 weeks, you are invited to learn more about yourself through the lens of your family. The way we show up in any group dynamic is a reflection of our experience in the family we were born into. Our families teach us about love, trust, and respect. The parents we were born into and any siblings we have are incredible teachers for us.

In SEEN, you’ll look at the unspoken rules in your family that shaped you, the roles you took on, the dysfunctional aspects, and the beauty.


This workshop is for you if you want to:

  • write your story

  • understand yourself in the constellation of your family

  • give voice to your inner child

  • find more beauty in your upbringing

  • honor the truth of your experience in your family

The Structure & Curriculum


We’ll come together for up to 2 hours for 4 consecutive Thursdays. You’ll be in an intimate community with those who are ready to move through their fear and share more of themselves. Care, respect, and support for each person’s process is emphasized in this program.

Our time together includes introspective work through journaling, time for writing and processing, and sharing yourself with the group.

March 21st
March 28th
April 4th
April 11th

Thursdays | 2 hours
1:30pm Los Angeles | 4:30pm New York
7:30am Melbourne | 8:30pm London
(convert your time zone

From the comfort of your home


Being SEEN is a healing force


Isolation leads to disease, and we live in a world that continues to divide us. The intention in this program is to come together beyond identity and witness each other in love.

Love is the healing force on the planet, the frequency that is needed to solve what the mind cannot. Joining this container provides you an opportunity to open your heart to heal yourself, but also to attune yourself to a higher frequency to support others in healing.

Witnessing another person as they navigate the human journey whether it’s hurt, confusion, anger, or fear, supports them in transmuting those energies to claim forgiveness, love, and joy.

This is an opportunity for you to change your life, your energy, and be a part of changing another’s.

This is for you if you’re ready to let more love into your heart in a community space that honors all of the steps of the healing journey.


SEEN is most supportive for you if

  • You’re ready to move through the fear of being seen

  • You’re willing to share your feelings and expression with others

  • You have an open mind and are ready to experience a more open heart

  • You’re ready to look at the ways you keep your heart closed, look for love outside of yourself, and withhold love from yourself

  • You want to acclimate your nervous system to being seen by others in a supportive community

  • You feel scared or apprehensive about joining but also can sense a soul calling

Ways this group can serve you

  • Sharing our hurt and the beliefs we carry shame around makes us feel vulnerable. Held lovingly through that vulnerability, we find growth and healing.

  • Trust the theme we’re working with and allow yourself to investigate what it can teach you about yourself.

  • Let the group inspire you. Hearing other people share themselves and be vulnerable inspires us to show up for ourselves in the same way. Even if you don't always have something to share, listening and witnessing others can motivate you to deepen into self-inquiry.

  • Using your voice to express yourself in front of other people over time will change you. I know from experience. You will probably feel nervous, you might cry, and inevitably you’ll feel safer to share more of yourself with others. There is no safer space to share your heart and soul than with other sensitive people doing their own inner work.

  • Nothing that stays hidden can be healed. This program supports you in digging into your shadow to release the guilt and shame holding you back in other areas of your life.

The Details


March 21st
March 28th
April 4th
April 11th

Thursdays | 2 hours
1:30pm Los Angeles | 4:30pm New York
7:30am Melbourne | 8:30pm London
(convert your time zone

From the comfort of your home



Please ground yourself before making your purchase. There are no refunds for this offering. This offering is experiential. The healing is happening through your participation, therefore this offering is not available for those who are not interested in joining us live.

Scholarship Opportunities


I’m offering 4 scholarships on the honor system for anyone who needs it.

$111 Scholarship (3 of 3 left)

These scholarship spots are available to anyone who is in financial instability and truly can not afford the full exchange.

$222 Scholarship (3 of 3 left)

These scholarship spots are available to anyone who is in financial instability and truly can not afford the full exchange.


What People Are Saying About SEEN


“The moment I saw Michelle’s Seen course advertised, I knew I was going to participate in it, even though, simultaneously, I felt inner brakes slamming on at the thought of revealing “Linda” to an unknown group of others! For me, the course began at that point. The waves of resistance offering wonder-filled and pain-filled opportunities to explore my inner mechanisms for self-protection—the beliefs and behaviours that have kept me safe and small for eons.

Over the 4 weeks of the course, I have never experienced such an opportunity to reveal the depths of my Being that had remained hidden since early childhood; even from myself! I felt laid bare. Naked. Tenderly shaky. Yet, at the same time, held, met, honoured, and encouraged by Michelle’s, and the participant’s, deep sensitivity, courage, and unconditional loving acceptance. In hindsight, I can see that Michelle’s course offered me the opportunity to open to, reveal, and release the bigger Self that I am and the bigger voice that I have; My unique expression. As I write this testimonial, and throughout my days now, I am aware of the profound shift within myself. I feel an inner depth and freedom and ease around others that I don’t recall having ever experienced before.

So, to say that it was great good fortune that I happened to enrol in Michelle’s Seen course, is a total understatement! If you yearn to be seen, to be more “you” in relationship with others and your own Self, I couldn’t recommend this course highly enough. “

—Linda H., Australia


“Paticaiping in SEEN was an absolutely beautiful experience. Michelle's guidance brought me to new and old places. Being able to share the deepest parts of myself with a group actively listening was very healing. Witnessing others go through transformations as the weeks progressed was a gift. I'm grateful for the entire experience.”

— Fiona B., United States


“You created such a beautiful space for the SEEN workshop, and your calm and accepting energy, in which one couldn’t do anything wrong, really helped some of us to lay down some defenses and risk being seen a bit. Thank you!”

— Sarah N., United States

“Speaking and sharing in front of others has been the most challenging fear to navigate. I feel deeply called to speak, yet stepping up and doing it has felt nearly impossible. Having a container dedicated to work through the gritty, and often emotional aspects of activating the voice has been deeply healing, and nourishing for the soul…….I’m actually excited to do more of it! I am beyond grateful for this container, and the loving, supportive space Michelle holds!”

— Amanda M., Canada


“Through being a part of SEEN, I experienced a very subtle yet profound shift within...my heart feels more open. Being in such an intimate and safe space allowed me to share my heart and my voice in front of others in a way I never thought that I would, it was such a liberating experience. Michelle created a beautiful container filled with so much care and support. It was a joy to attend each week and to connect with the other Souls inside the space. It was truly a gift to not only allow myself to be seen but to also see and hold others.”

— Tatiana R., United States


“My experience in SEEN was profound. It was perfectly crafted medicine that felt just right for me. When I came across the course description, my heart quickened, my soul smiled, and I felt drawn to it in a powerful way. Part of me protested with resistance. I avoided the offering for quite a while. I bargained with myself. And yet, my intuition gently and patiently gave consistent promptings to join. When I signed up, I experienced a release of held emotion right then and there as I confirmed my card info and committed to participating. A flood of tears, a movement of energy and breath coursing through me, creating and allowing more space within myself to embody the courage of my Soul. To step more fully into my art and work. To show up. To be seen.

SEEN is a unique blend of group art therapy and spiritual energy work. Michelle holds the energetic container of the group with finely tuned therapeutic skill and intuitive clarity. I am a psychotherapist, an energy work practitioner, and an artist. I am highly sensitive and attuned to energy, and my sensory perceptivity can make some group experiences feel tiring. Michelle takes care of the group's energetic hygiene like a pro! I was able to relax, receive, and participate without being distracted by boundary maintenance. She expertly holds the space. Michelle’s approach to the energetic and spiritual side of the work is grounded, subtle, and crystal clear. I felt it, and this made all the difference in how I allowed myself to show up, both with complete vulnerability and soulful power. I felt held and safe to express freely across the full spectrum of Self.

I am deeply grateful to Michelle and to the group members. Thank you for witnessing me, and for allowing me to witness you—in shadow and joy; fear and strength. Thank you for being a meaningful part of my healing journey."

— Chrissy T., United States


  • No. This is an experiential offering. The healing is happening through the container and live attendance is required.

  • No. This is an offering for those willing and available to be in community together. The healing is happening in the energetic container we’re creating.

  • No. There will be no Breathwork for this round of SEEN.

  • I have over a decade of experience holding space for people. I am not a psychologist or a coach. My work is to hold space, support, and guide you as you access the truth within yourself.